Blacktab shell and Youngtab Shell are beautiful combinations used as a shell tile for walling cover decorations in such places like kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Not only in combinations but also as a solo shell components for Blacktab shell tile and Youngtab Shell Tile are most elegant natural Shell Tile. We also produce variety selections of shells not only Blacktab and Youngtab Shells to be used as a component for producing such elegant but in wholesale price of Shell Tile.





Black tab and Young tab are beautiful combinations used for walling cover decorations in such places like kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Not only in combinations but also as solo shell, they are natural Shells Tiles. We also produce variety selections of shells not only Black tab and Young tab Shells to be used as a component for producing such elegant but in wholesale price.



Blacktab and Youngtab tile can be used for decorating various areas of the house  make the areas look very attractive, its functional and durable. Tiles can look good in any room of the house but are particularly popular for decorating kitchens and bathrooms.




Costumers can demand their shell tiles shapes and cutting design, sizes per tiles, color to be use and backing for support for shell tiles that suites your creativity and styles. You can order your favorite shell tile design here in our website just send an email to or fill up the Inquiry Form  and we will reply to you as soon as we received.

Available Shell tiles Backing Support: No Woven Paper, Plywood, Acrylic, Cement Board, Hardiflex Board, PVC Xintra Board “Fabrication & Construction”, MDF, Self-Adhesive Tear-Away Paper.